A person who provides psychotherapy services can be any of the professionals listed below. The main difference between these types of professionals is their training and educational background.
A psychiatrist is a doctor who has attended medical school and has completed a residency in psychiatry. Psychiatrists and other medical doctors are the only professionals who can prescribe psychiatric medications. Many psychiatrists focus on severe issues such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. These challenges usually require a combination of therapy and medication.
A clinical psychologist is a professional who has earned a PhD or a PsyD in clinical psychology. Psychologists cannot prescribe medication but are trained to work with individuals who have either mild or severe psychological issues. Some psychologists do not work as therapists but instead, teach at universities or conduct research.
A social worker or the therapists at Atia Counselling Centre have earned a Masters-level degree in social work. They are focused exclusively on providing therapy to individuals, couples, or families. S/he does not prescribe medications. They focus on common life issues, including stress and anxiety, mild to moderate depression, relationship conflicts, and work or career development. Although counselling graduate programs include a great deal of psychology, the emphasis is more on working with “problems of normal living” rather than severe mental illnesses.